Friday, July 10, 2009

First Few Days in Homer

We finally made it to Homer after two long days of traveling. Here are a few select photos of our trip thus far...Here is a picture of the front portion of Pete and Deborah's house. Sure beats the hostel. It is about ten minutes from downtown and sits right on a slope with a perfect view of the spit:

They have a six acre yard with trails and lookout points all around the property. The dirt around their house is full of moose tracks and the occasional bear patty.
We're doing some work too. Here is a photo of a spruce forest now dead due to the local spruce beetle outbreak which caused a small fire to spread uncontrollably throughout the dry dead trees. This same trend can be seen all throughout Alaska. The usually clear mountainscape is covered in a smokey haze due to an unusually large number of fires in Alaska this summer.

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible location for a home.  Peter & Debra,Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful new home with the kiddos and showing them the sights.  We're green with envy.ken & sue
